Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sea world kills

                                      Orcas in danger 

When you think of sea world, sometimes you might think of dolphins and orcas. But the thing is that you might think that sea world is a fun and magical place,but it isn’t. When people hunt down the orcas to capture them, they would use boats and choppers/helicopter to locate them. But since orcas are really smart, the males would go one way, while the females and calf’s would go in a different  direction. But the hunters would find them. Then take the calf’s and ship them off to sea world. When they would arrive, they would then be put in a tank and then they would train them. Then they would start in shows. Blackfish is a documentary based on the practices of  sea world and how they treat and make their animals live in their environment. They have trainers that used to work at sea world and they talk about how the orcas had to live. But when they talk about the orcas and how they would have the orcas live in captivity. But they focus more on one whale, and that Tilikum. Tilly was the largest killer whale in captivity

In Blackfish they talk about how the killer whale have to live in such a way. Imagine that you were taken from your family and then forced to be used as entertainment. It’s not really fair for them.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good, comprehensive, description of the documentary and your views on the film. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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