Thursday, November 16, 2017


To me gratitude is a word that is almost close to grateful (which is technically the same).He actual definition for gratitude is “the qality of being thankful.”. I am personally grateful of my family,
friends,my dog and my amazing teachers. I am also grateful for my house, the food that I am given and the clothes on my back. I almost all the time complain about small stuff when I should be appreciating that I even have stuff to worry about. Because there are people that don’t have anything. But still we should all enjoy what we have. So that’s what I think about the word “Gratitude”.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very good post! It was well written and heartfelt. I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing this week.


A trip to the mall (SOL 19)

     My family and I went to the mall on Saturday. We got there at about six. We did our usual shop as we did every week end. When I was don...