Wednesday, September 20, 2017


                            News Of The (Last) Week 

 16 years ago on September 11th was the anniversary of the terrorist attack that took almost 3,000 lives that day.So if you don't know what I am talking about I will fill you in with some info.Okay so on September 11,2001 nineteen men hijacked four planes.Two of them flew and personally crashed it to the twin towers that where location in New York City. One of them landed on a field in Pennsylvania. After the  hijackers took over the passengers knew that they had to do something,  so they did. Everyone on that plane died but the passengers took over and crashed the plane in a field. That plane was supposed to crash into the White House. Another plane crashed into the pentagon.In honor of all the people that died that day there are two huge water fall memorials in their place.

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A trip to the mall (SOL 19)

     My family and I went to the mall on Saturday. We got there at about six. We did our usual shop as we did every week end. When I was don...